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Loss of University Affiliation

Affiliation Loss Policy

When you lose affiliation with the university, such as through graduation or leaving a work position, access to HPC resources will be automatically denied on the day of termination according to the University of Arizona Records Database.

Unfortunately, we cannot extend HPC access prior to or after the loss of affiliation. However, if you require continued access to HPC services, you may register as a Designated Campus Colleague (DCC) through Human Resources. Once your DCC status is approved, you may request sponsorship from a university faculty member.

Data After Affiliation Loss

Home directory data are retained for 90 days following the loss of affiliation. If university affiliation is reestablished and HPC access is restored within those 90 days, your files will be accessible when you log into HPC again. Data stored in shared locations such as /groups or /xdisk persist for as long as the storage location is available and are not deleted after a user loses access to the system.

Retirement and Emeritus Faculty

HPC users who retire do not lose their university affiliation and will continue to have access to HPC resources. However, emeritus faculty members are not eligible for Principal Investigator (PI) status. They will need to be sponsored by an active university PI to retain access to compute and storage allocations.