Loss of University Affiliation¶
Affiliation Loss Policy¶
When you lose affiliation with the university, such as through graduation or leaving a work position, access to HPC resources will be automatically terminated on the effective date listed in the University of Arizona Records Database.
Unfortunately, we are unable to extend HPC access for those losing affiliation. However, you may regain access by registering as a Designated Campus Colleague (DCC) through Human Resources. Once approved, DCCs can request sponsorship from a university faculty member.
Retirement and Emeritus Faculty¶
HPC users who retire retain their university affiliation and continue to have access to HPC resources. However, emeritus faculty are not eligible for Principal Investigator (PI) status. To maintain access to compute and storage allocations, emeritus faculty must be sponsored by an active university PI.
Data After Affiliation Loss¶
Non-PI Users¶
Home directory data are retained for 90 days following loss of affiliation. If university affiliation is reestablished and HPC access is restored within those 90 days, files will be accessible upon login.
Data stored in shared locations such as /groups
or /xdisk
persist for as long as the storage location is available (see below) and are not deleted after affiliation loss. However, it should be noted that without access to HPC, data will not be directly downloadable by the user. Users will want to plan ahead of time and retrieve any data they need off the system before they lose access. Otherwise, users will need to coordinate with active group members who may retrieve their data on their behalf. If file permission changes are needed, contact our consultants and they can help.
Home directory data are retained for 90 days following loss of affiliation. If university affiliation is reestablished and HPC access is restored within those 90 days, files will be accessible upon login.
A PI's communal /groups
directory will be removed on the first day of denial of access. PI's should coordinate with their group members to ensure data are moved off the system prior to this to prevent data loss. The exception is if the faculty member is retiring with emeritus status or transitioning to DCC status, provided there is no gap in affiliation between their faculty status and the new role. In this case, they may retain their /groups
Similar to above, a PI's communal directory /xdisk
will be removed on the first day of denial of access. The exception is if the faculty member is retiring with emeritus status or transitioning to DCC status, provided there is no gap in affiliation between their faculty status and the new role, then the xdisk will remain until its expiration date. It should be noted that because emeritus faculty and most DCC affiliates are not classified as PIs, once the xdisk expires, a new one cannot be requested.
If the a communal directory has been deleted and data retrieval is needed, contact us immediately and we may be able to restore your files.